Month: May 2016

Children are the Future Generation!

Distribution of School Supplies to more than 300 Students in the villages of Katanga and Malinde.
Distribution of School Supplies to more than 250 Students in the villages of Katanga and Malinde.

I am highly blessed to live a life of service. I have learned that service is not about what you have to offer. It is about the people you are serving and the impact you leave in their hearts.

At Flamme d’Avenir (Flame of the Future) we always believe that given the chance, children can play a critical role in solving the problems we face. I choose to believe that the solution to every problem we have is in the children. We must do everything we can to protect them and ensure they get an education, where they can develop the necessary skills that allow them to contribute their gifts to the world.

Flamme d’Avenir is committed to providing children with a platform to pursue their dreams without any form of discrimination or denial of their rights and privileges.

Children are happy to receive their new School Supplies provided by Flamme d’Avenir at Katanga Primary School in October 2015
Children are happy to receive their new School Supplies provided by Flamme d’Avenir at Katanga Primary School.

This month I was very excited when I visited a 13 year old girl enrolled in our sponsorship program. This girl is exceptional. She is helping her mother solve problems in her small business, Masoka’s mother didn’t go to school so she doesn’t know how to write and she has problems with numbers. So, Masoka helps her mother count money every evening and also shares with her mother management skills that she has learned in school.

Byaombe, the mother of this child sponsored by an American family through our sponsorship program said, ‘’Masoka is a gift I received from God. I had many problems with numbers in the daily management of my small business activities, but since she attended school through your educational program, she is really helping our family solve problems, particularly in my small business activities. I thank the family who sponsored her and for the funds they sent to me through your organization to start my small business activities. May God bless this family and the whole staff of your organization.’’

The story of this child gave me courage to continue working hard to enrol as many children as we can in our sponsorship program. I hope this child will do more in the future to help not only her family, but also her community.

Flamme d’Avenir’s Educational Program is a Child Sponsorship Program in which financial support is provided for the most vulnerable children in the DRC so they can attend school. Some of these children are handicapped, abused, orphans, former child soldiers, or from underprivileged families.

Oftentimes, the opportunity we have to make an impact is right in front of us. I want to remind you that giving and being of service does not need to be extravagant; we just need to be willing to offer what is in our hands.

Throughout this semester, Flamme d’Avenir is highlighting the current need for sponsorship. Each sponsored child is a story changed. We are highlighting boys and girls that are in need of sponsorship.

Right now, there are 36 children who need a sponsor. Would you be willing to sponsor a child? Maybe you already are a sponsor, but you are able to sponsor another? Perhaps you would like to sponsor on behalf of someone else or give sponsorship to someone as an extra special birthday gift? Do you know of a friend or relative that would consider sponsoring? We would like to ask you to help us reach our goal of finding a sponsor for each of these children by the end of December this year.

It is important to encourage, support and nurture the gifts of the children. They might be the next great leaders, or entrepreneurs, or scientists, or athletes, or artists, or musicians or pastors. Whatever it is, we can help to bring this out. It is a gift to their community and the world.

Finally, we need as many people as we can to come and volunteer to help work alongside us. You may also volunteer from where you are, as you don’t need to be in the Congo.

Don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] to learn more. You may donate directly through our PayPal account. Donations in ANY amount are greatly welcomed and will be allocated to the program of your choice.

Thank You!

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