Children’s Participation Activities

Every child across the world is suffering the effects of abuse, neglect and poverty. Many children’s lives are characterised by physical, emotional and sexual violence and abuse, Female Genital Mutilation, early marriage and childbirth, forced labour, trafficking and other fundamental violations of human rights and dignity. Other children, whilst loved, may go hungry, victims of famine, conflict and other situations beyond their control.

The institutions established to nurture and protect them (for example families, schools, health clinics) are often the very sources of harm. Not recognised as competent actors, seen only as adults-in-waiting, children are victims of their circumstances rather than agents of chance.

We believe that given the chance, children can play a critical role in solving the problems they face.

When Children work together, they can change their world. Children’s participation is a key means through which children can release their rights and Flamme d’Avenir works to promote it.

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