Back To School 2021-2022: Their future is our Passion

Back To School 2021-2022: Their future is our Passion

Oftentimes, the opportunity we have to make an impact is right in front of us. We want to remind you that giving and being of service does not need to be extravagant, we just need to be willing to offer what is in our hands.

Throughout this school year, Flamme d’Avenir is highlighting the current need for sponsorship. Each sponsored child is a story changed. We are highlighting boys and girls that are in need of sponsorship.

It is important to encourage, support and nurture the gifts of the children. They might be the next great leaders, or entrepreneurs, or scientists, or athletes, or artists, or musicians or pastors. Whatever it is, we can help to bring this out. It is a gift to their community and the world.

Flamme d’Avenir’s Educational Program is a Child Sponsorship Program in which financial support is provided for the most vulnerable children in the DRC so they can attend school. Some of these children are handicapped, abused, orphans, former child soldiers, or from underprivileged families.

Access to education is a life/nation changing oppourtunity that you can be a part of. A donation for these children is an investiment that will shape the future of their communities.

Sponsoring a child gives life and hope for a better future. Each Flamme d’Avenir’s scholarship includes : tuition, supplies, uniforms and other fees so every child can chase their dreams.

For an average of $250, you can send one of the children we care for to school for one year with tuition, medical care, school supplies, and uniform paid for. If you prefer, you can make a monthly donation in the amount of $25. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated.

Your sponsorship will change a life of a child in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi, Africa. We believe it’s a big deal to give to a child you may never physically meet, but we know that the relationship you will build with the child you support and the impact you will have on their life is totally worth the investment.

We desire for you to truly know the child you sponsor and we guarantee they will know you. Your child will rely on your monthly support to attend school. They will look forward to writing you messages, share their academic progress, and send video messages from time-to-time. They need you.

Flamme d’Avenir uses a lifecycle approach in our educational programs that focuses on the needs of children at all stages of development: early childhood, basic education, adolescence, and youth. We are committed to seeing each child who is selected to receive a Flamme d’Avenir’s scholarship, graduate and receive their diploma.

Contact US today or DONATE to send a child to school

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