• Christmas Project

Celebrating Christmas with the children is part of Flamme d’Avenir’s (Flame of the Future) mission. This is our way of coming closer to the children, especially the disadvantaged ones, as we give them comfort by showing them love and commitment to their wellbeing.

Children’s Christmas Project is a special and unique opportunity in the area where parents are not able to offer anything on this special day for their kids. This project reaches beyond the ministry of the children in the education program. Through this event, the children are invited to gather, rejoice and have fun, enjoying the holiday together.

As I know, Christmas is a period of giving back and sharing with one another, so it is at this time when we try to bring joy into each other’s lives by hosting a party such as this.

Flamme d’Avenir celebrates Christmas with the children from poor families, orphans, widows, children with no traceable origin… without any discrimination. We want them to have the best and we always reflect on the ideal meaning of Christmas, which is the remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ. That is why we remember such children and share the happiness in various ways with them.

Please, contact us if you want to know more about how you can help.

  • Summer Camp Project

The Summer Camp Project is a summer school for children and young people between the ages of 4 and 16 years old. For one month, children and young people attend the project 6 days per week, learning new artistic and creative skills, hearing teachings on teamwork and leadership, and having lots of fun together.

This project aims to promote the values of peace, active non-violence and the peaceful co-existence of all peoples through the expressions of children in the arts (Drawing, Painting, Cinema, Theatre, Dance, Poetry, etc…).

Providing educational activities for children and young people during school holidays is not just a nice thing to do. In fact, it is really important to us: this is a time when children may be required to work or spend all day on the streets, where they are at risk from many things. Giving them a place to go, food to eat and activities to get involved with protects them for a little bit longer and equips them for life in new ways.

Please, contact us if you want to know more about how you can help.

  • Peace Day Celebrations

Every year, on September 21st. Together with children from different creeds, colours, races and religions we meet and celebrate the Peace Day through a Football Tournament.

We at Flamme d’Avenir believe that football is a game that brings people of different creeds, colours, races and religions together. Football rises above difference, it unit people from different tribes.

Football can provide a useful way of creating an environment in which people can come together working toward the same goal, showing respect for each other and sharing space and equipment.

Flamme d’Avenir is anxious to thank particularly PEACE ONE DAY NGO and all person and/or organizations that sustain this program, for the accompaniment and support. It is a noble work that will never be forgotten.

Join us today for the next PEACE DAY celebration!

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