This Christmas, spread some joy to a child in need

This Christmas, spread some joy to a child in need

Spreading joy to a child in need, Christmas Project 2016
Spreading joy to a child in need – Christmas Project

For the past 5 years, we have been celebrating Christmas as part of our Flamme d’Avenir Education program, gathering more than 500 children.

The Children’s Christmas Project is a special and unique opportunity to bring some joy to children whose parents are not in a financial position to give them something special during this festive time of the year. Through this event, the children are invited to gather, rejoice and have fun, enjoy a delicious feast, hear a message of Christ’s love and enjoying the holiday together.

Enjoy a delicious feast – Christmas Project

When you give a gift through Flamme d’Avenir, you’re helping to ensure that every child in our programme receives a tangible expression of God’s love at Christmas time.

Thank you for sharing your Christmas with children who have so little – it means so much to them and it is a moment of pure joy.

This Christmas, spread some joy to a child in need – click below to donate to our Christmas Appeal today. Donations in ANY amount are greatly appreciated.


International Peace Day: Children are praying for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Children are praying for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Children are praying for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

For this International Peace Day we, at Flamme d’Avenir, are praying for PEACE in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We ask that you join us in saying the following prayer, written by 15 year old Rhoda, one of the children enrolled in our education program:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. God of mercy and compassion, of grace and reconciliation, pour your power upon all Congolese.

 God of power and mercy, please destroy war, which results in a spiral of human suffering and the destruction of your bountiful creation in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Eliminate violence from our midst and wipe away the tears.

Oh Lord Jesus, Bless our land with more lasting peace and fraternal understanding.

Above all, heavenly Father, touch the hearts of our political leaders in the Democratic Republic of Congo and all those in power.

I pray that they may exercise power gently, that they may humbly seek a dialogue that will bring about understanding, leading all Congolese to a place where people live together in peace and harmony. Where there is bitterness, teach us forgiveness and reconciliation. Replace hatred with love and indifference with care.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.


During this World Peace Day, we invite you to join us by praying for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We are praying for peace, stability, reconciliation, health and safety, particularly for women and children. We are asking for God’s protection from those who afflict pain and commit horrendous acts of violence.

We are praying for international communities working with the DRC government to find solutions to these hugely complex issues. We are praying for godly wisdom and discernment for those working to bring lasting change and peace.

Your prayers matter!

Thank you for remembering the Democratic Republic of Congo in your prayers today.

Be blessed !!!


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